About the 'icthys'
The Greek letters 'chi' X and 'rho' P, form the first two letters of the name "Christ." Crossed, these letters form a fish, which is related to Christ's miracle of the loaves and fishes (where he feeds 5000 people with 5 fish and 5 loaves of bread) - a metaphor or parable about the infinite availability of Spirit.
The Evolution of the Icthys
ften, this: is embedded into the fish. These letters spell the
Greek word for 'fish,' or 'i.ch.th.y.s.', which can also stand for Jesus(i) Christ (ch)
God's (th) Son (y) Saviour (s).
Jesus - I h s o u V
Christ - C r i s t o V
God's - Q e o u
Son - U i o V
Saviour - S w t h r
'J' is rendered as I in Greek, so 'INRI' which is seen topping the crucifix, stands for (I)Jesus (of) (N) Nazareth, (R)Rex (king) (of the) (I) Jews. (The Parochial school joke has it that INRI stands for "I'm Nailed Right In!")
Here is another symbol we often see: . This is a reference to Charles Darwin, whose 1859 "Origin of Species" was the first scholarly work describing the evolution of humans from lower life forms. Since thinking about evolution causes Christians to foam at the mouth, rationalists use the 'Darwin Fish' to counter fundamentalist preachiness.
Bible Contradictions
Christian Email
Cults of Mithras and Paul of Tarsus
George Santayana on Religion
The Nuclear Family Meltdown
Debunking Fundamentalism
Lewdness in the Vatican - Lucrezia Borgia, her Brothers, and her Papa, the Pope
So Many Christian Atrocities , and The Spanish Inquisition
Read some Biblical psychedelia from the Revelation.
The Founding Fathers Were NOT Christians The Big Sensation of July, 1925 - The "Scopes Monkey Trial" - Fumbling Fundamentalism
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