WARNING:This section contains very disturbing images and descriptions,
possibly apt to cause nightmares and depression.
Please go back now if you aren't feeling really strong. This is not a joke.
(These pages are NOT meant to glorify torture. Torture is abominable;
perhaps the vilest of all crimes. The point here is to show the
dangers of rampant fundamentalism of ANY stripe- and to reveal parts of
history censored out by pious, hypocritical, corporate religionists.)
The Church seeks to hide this history, but Jesus said:"For there is nothing hid, except to be made manifest, nor is anything secret, except to come to light." Mark 4:22
A Heretic's Final Journey
During the Spanish Inquisition, accused heretics were imprisoned
without hearing the charges against them, and kept in stinking
dungeons, dark and vermin infested, alone with their
excrement. Moldy bread and stale water helped to supplement the cockroaches
and spiders.
"Or again, a prisoner who refused to confess his heresies would be left in
solitude and darkness for weeks, months or even years, for time was no object with the
Inquisition and it could well afford to wait if by so waiting it
saved another erring soul.
If a few weeks or even months did not bring the accused heretic to terms the time might lengthen
into years, the years into decades, and the prisoner might remain in his
horrible cell though unconvicted. There are many cases where three, five or even ten years elapsed between the first
hearing and the final conviction of a prisoner, during all of which time the accused rotted in his
dungeon; and even greater periods are reported."
Once convicted, the prisoner then faced the real terrors.
"Both the inquisitor and the bishop were to be present. The
prisoner was to be shown the instruments of torture and urged to confess.
Upon refusing he was to be stripped and bound and again entreated to confess and to
be promised mercy if he did. He/she would stand bound and naked
in the presence of grim, implacable friars and watch the irons
heated, the pulleys of the rack tested, the bearings of the wheel greased
in preparation for their use on his own bones and body.
Instruments and Methods of Torture
The Oral, Rectal, and Vaginal Pear.
"They are forced into the mouth, rectum or vagina of the victim and there expanded by force of the screw to
the maximum aperture of their segments. The inside of the cavity in question is irremediably
mutilated, nearly always fatally so. The pointed prongs at the end of the seqments
serve better to rip into the throat, the intestines
or the cervix."
(This instrument is Venetian, late 1500's, and consists of bronze segments and key,
iron screw. Notice the etched face of Satan in the picture on the left.)
A common early part of the torture was the 'strappado'- the
method used on Savonarola.
"In 1497 Girolamo Savonarola was put to the tratti di fune or strappado,
which consisted of tying the prisoner's hands behind his back, hoisting him by the wrists, letting him
drop for several feet and stopping him with a jerk before he
reached the ground. This
proving ineffectual, weights were attached to Savonarola's feet and he was dropped fourteen times."
Weeks later, he was tied to a stake and burned alive in the Plaza
della Signoria....
"During the regime of the later Inquisition in France, torture
became systematized and reduced to a most simplified formula. Only
two forms were recognized: ordinary and extraordinary.
The former consisted of lashing the victim's wrists to an iron ring
in the wall and securing his feet to a second ring in the floor.
Then, by hauling on the ropes, the unfortunate wretch could be effectively racked
until his joints were dislocated. Extraordinary torture consisted
of the 'water cure', thirty pints of water being forcibly administered to the victim. The mode of
execution was also fixed. The heretic sentenced to death was lashed
to a wooden cross. Then the executioner broke the bones of each leg and
each arm in two places by blows with an iron bar and the victim was left to die.
As a rule, however, death was too slow to satisfy the public, so the victim was burned."
(Executions were often held in public, the better seats commanding higher
ticket prices.)
On the right is a Dutch engraving of about 1590, one in a series of 53 showing the massacre of the Protestant citizens of Antwerp by Spanish Catholics on November 5, 1576.
Another custom was to take the living, broken body of the
victim and 'braid' it to a ladder or wheel. These wheels were perched
atop long poles, so the sinners would die high in the air, with hungry crows
as their last companions. These were called 'Catherine Wheels',
after Saint Catherine of Alexandria, an early
Christian martyr presumably from the early 4th century during the rule of the
Roman emperor Maxentius (although her historicity has been questioned).
Variations in cruelty know no bounds.
Another way of ending the lives of the condemned was to put them
in cages and hang them in public places where passersby could observe the slow death
of the victim. The image on the left is of a two legged cage that still houses its
last occupant, at St. Anselm Castle, in Hungary.
Pressing, or crushing under boards with weights on them (also called the 'turtle'), was another
way of dispatching condemned prisoners. In this English woodcut
from the late 1500's, we see the added feature of a wooden wedge
or 'scale' placed under the victim's back. In the upper
part of the picture, another 'criminal' is bound with legs in 'stocks', probably awaiting
some more painful fate.
"At times those condemned to death were slowly roasted in a huge metal oven made in the form of a bull. At other times they were lashed to revolving rods or spits and grilled alive over fires, their sizzling bodies being basted with the drippings from their own flesh." 1
il Potro
the Rack
Perhaps the rack is so familiar because it was so commonly
employed, variations existing as far back as Egypt and Babylonia. This one is
Italian, 1500. 2
It is equipped with spiked rollers on which the
stretched victim would lay, feet tied at one end, hands at the other.
Tied to the rack and stretched gradually (or quickly) for days,
elongation of bodies was reported by various sources to
cases of twelve inches, a result of systematic dislocation of every joint in the body, loud
popping sounds mixing with shrieks of agony, futile cries for pity.
With the prisoner tied to this horrific device, the inquisitor would
then employ a variety of more subtle tortures. Red hot pincers
would tear off nipples, tongues, ears, noses, and genitals. Intestines were slowly wound onto pulleys before the dying
victim's eyes. Crosses
branded into the flesh of the shrieking wretch brought him/her closer to God and his
Infinite Mercy.
A garroting chair. Italian, 1500's2
On the left, a close up of the restraint for the victim's neck. On the right, the death of the condemned
as the point is slowly driven into the back of the neck.
A Torture Chamber 2
This short look at these abuses is only a drop in the
bucket. Since prehistory,
skinning alive, starvation, burning, any infliction imaginable has been used.
Apologists argue that 'life was harder then, people were used to
pain', but their arguments fall flat at the shrieks of unreasoning agony that
echo throughout history.
Descriptions of this clarity and extent are rare to find in one place.
Pious historians have downplayed
the colorful details of this epoch, hoping to sanitize the image of the church.
Being by its very nature lurid, examination of the subject is dismissed
as being the stuff of sensational sideshows.
Rest assured however, that
the gruesome, shabby deaths of the tens of thousands of people
who were killed by the Church's Inquisition, and deaths of
Catholics at the hands of Lutherans, were no sideshow
to the victims.
The scariest part is the fundamentalist mind that could justify such cruelty, for any cause, most ironically, a 'spiritual' one.
Fundamentalist ignorance and superstition reached a peak in the 1600's, instigated by the church, who taught that the Devil was everywhere, and that any undesireable manifestation could be and probably was the result of witchcraft and devils. Hail, wind, lice, sour milk, or a difficult mule could all be blamed on the woman next door. Expressing doubt about the existence of witches was tantamount to being a witch, and anyone voicing opposing opinions was suspect, to be watched, and targeted.
The Christian obsession with the Devil and witchcraft actually fostered and propagated what they tried so hard to repress; and as it was then, it is today.
"In order to justify their behavior, they turn their theories into dogmas, their bylaws into
First Principles, their political bosses into Gods and all those who disagree with them into
incarnate devils. This idolatrous transformation of the relative into the Absolute and
the all too human into the Divine, makes it possible for them to indulge their ugliest passions
with a clear conscience and in the certainty that they are working for the Highest Good.
And when the current beliefs come, in their turn, to look silly, a new set will be invented,
so that the immemorial madness may continue to wear its customary mask of legality, idealism,
and true religion."
(Aldous Huxley, The Devils of Loudun, 1952, Harper and Brothers, NY, NY.)
1from:"The Inquisition" by A. Hyatt Verrill, D. Appleton and Company, New York, London, 1931), pp. 138-148
2From:"Inquisition- A Bilingual Guide to the exhibition of Torture Instruments presented in various European Cities-by Robert Held- Qua d'Arno, Publisers/Editorial, Florence, Italy, 1985
Some people can't get enough of this stuff. Now there's
more, HERE.
and Here:The Gulags,
Footbinding, Aztec Sacrifice, and CIA Sponsored Lobotomy
Bloodshed for the Prince of Peace
Borgia Popes/ Vatican Orgies/ The Black Plague
The Founding Fathers were NOT Christians.
Isaiah 34:
"6:The sword of the Lord is filled with
blood, it is made fat with fatness, and with the blood of
lambs and goats, with the fat of kidneys of rams: for the
Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah, and a great slaughter in the land
of Idumea.
"7: And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with
the bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness.
About Quoting this Page as a Source:
PRIMARY SOURCE materials are letters, diaries, manuscripts, trial transcripts, photographs, eyewitness accounts, etc.
SECONDARY SOURCE materials are books, newspaper articles, microfilm, documentary video, etc.
TERTIARY SOURCE materials are student essays, webpages, gossip, pulp magazine articles, etc.
About Citing This Page as A Source
This webpage is a tertiary source, compiled from secondary sources, as noted above. Citing this page as a source lacks credibility, frankly; if You want to impress your professor, I suggest you refer to secondary or primary sources. Some good ones are listed below. I do not broadcast my full name because of the controversial nature of some of my material. This page is my own report, and my sources are listed above. It was made as a pointer for those interested in doing deeper research from books or other sources, to hopefully glean a deeper understanding of this interesting bit of history.