Pope Alexander VI, Roderigo Borgia, was at the focus of the period's growing protestant rage. This Pope was known for many things, his whores, his many bastard children, his orgies in the Vatican, his habit of deflowering virgin brides immediately after overseeing their marriages- but one of his illegitimate daughters, Lucrezia Borgia, was even more well known.
She was sexually satisfying not only her 60 year old father, the pope, but also her bastard brothers and most of the Vatican guard. She was famous for her orgies, and would entertain whole groups of men on Sacred ground. Madonna, eat your heart out.
Brothers killed brothers, and the Holy Father himself had to have one of his boys killed to keep him away from the voracious 17 year old nymphomaniac. This is history you will never learn in school, but it is entirely true, and well documented. Here are details.
Convents and Monasteries followed the Vatican's lead, and were commonly known of as hotbeds of lascivious corruption. Farmers were well advised to keep their daughters away from the monks and their goatish appetites.
After the reformation, the Catholic church cleaned up its act, and became the stiff-necked bunch of prudes we know it as today. The Pope has issued a proclamation of "Papal Infallibility", just in case anyone disagrees with him.
More about Papal Lewdness & Depravity.
The Instruments and Practices of Torture.....