Dominator culture is a term coined by Terence McKenna that describes the powers in our world who are unconcerned about the social consequences of their actions. This segment of society has also been called 'The Establishment', or 'The Man'. This powerful entity has consistently avoided solutions to societal issues that would nurture us as a community or even a family, preferring instead to transform people from being citizens, or brothers and sisters, into being consumers.
Dominator Culture
The early humans began thinking, and created religions and rituals combining their close contact with nature, their history, the hunt, and the mystery of death that awareness brings.
Among any tribe, certain members take power and begin to affect the course of the group. As civilization
becomes more and more complex, the humans begin to separate themselves from nature, even cultivating a disdain for it.
This artificial subset of the species produces things like the Roman Empire, oppressive fundamentalist belief systems, genocide, fast food, and the drug war.
Humanity will have to harmonize itself with the Gaian Mind if it wants to survive.