Tom Delay - Crooked, Lying, Arrogant Hypocrite
His mugshots were altered by Right-Wing fanatics to make him look perky, but you can see the truth below:
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Here's another corrected mugshot sent
by a friend - thanks Eric!
Tom DeLay, long-time criminal
House of Scandal - DeLay Flayed
Ahead of the 2000 presidential race, Delay outlined a vision where "we march forward with a biblical worldview, a worldview that says God is our Creator, that man is a sinner, and that we will save this country by changing the hearts and minds of Americans." "We have the House and the Senate. All we need is the presidency!" [from here]
Here are some well crafted sentences:
"Tom Delay didn't invent the hyperpartisan system that has seriously damaged our way of government, ignoring everyday voices and concerns in favor of special interests. But he has championed that system, often skating on the ethical, if not the legal, edge and assuring that money speaks the loudest in Washington, and only with a Republican tongue.
It is a legacy of which he actually seems proud, which may be a bigger indictment against him than the criminal charges brought in Austin."
By CLAY ROBISON, Houston Chronicle
The Creature That Ate The United States
Your Gas Dollars Support
and of course, Karl [Slug] Rove:
If Karl's the blossom, then Dubya's the Turd!
Ann Coulter - Annthrax Culter - Caustic Annie Oh, Ann. If the Republicans had a clue, they'd be so embarrassed about you. Do you really think anyone believes you? Ann Coulter's sinister hypocrisy has many wrinkles, one of which is her accusation that the Left puts "un-assailable targets" out there as mouthpieces. That may be true sometimes, but the fact is, she does exactly the same thing. Like Thomas Sowell, a Black, Female, or Gay conservative gets to say things a White Male would never get away with. Coulter's cute, glib, incendiary throw-away comments would get a guy attacked in an alley, but Ann, with her coke-driven hyper-sexuality can spew her divisive non-sequiturs and flirt shamelessly at the same time, throwing off her opponents. We in the mainstream need to demand that Ann stops showing so much skin, gets married, and goes home to raise kids and clean house. She's way too uppity for a good Christian woman - she should leave the thinking to the men. These are the things that her female un-assailability shields her from hearing, and she uses it un-repentantly. Her pretend spirituality is particularly nauseating, especially to those of us in the Mainstream who are religious. How dare she assume she can look into the hearts of those she paranoically sees as "enemies?" She is doing what Goebbels and Stalin did - de-humanizing her opponents. Watching her on Leno, it's apparent that she wants to classify anyone not on board with her particular brand of pernicious Neoconism as a sub-human, effeminate, abortion-hungry Satan worshipper. She is claiming that Neocons alone are on G-d's side - while at the same time epitomizing the cynical, atheistic dog-eat-dog heartlessness of a Nazi. Ann's so-called "religion" has nothing to do with any part of the Bible I'm familiar with; she seems to model herself after the Medieval Catholics with their torture chambers and arrogant decimation of "Heathens." Ann Coulter, Fred Phelps, and Bill O'Reilly are of the same cloth - and their popularity should be chilling to anyone familiar with the history of Germany in the 1930's. |
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