Election 2004 - Free Society or Dictatorship?![]()
Part of the pernicious Neocon strategy is to divide the country into "Normal People" [that is, "Republicans"] and "Liberal Elites" [that is, "Democrats."] Another technique is to find divisive, hot button issues, such as "abortion" and "gay marriage" [last time it was "flag burning"], and keep them in the public eye as a distraction from the real activity, which is instituting a corporate caste system and eventually, an apartheid, totalitarian theocracy. "Project for the New American Century" details the imperialist world-domination scheme envisioned by the Neocons who have stolen our Democracy.
Reagan's de-regulation of the broadcasting industry removed balanced opinion controls and other standards, and also allows a single company to own many more stations. Rupert Murdoch's Fox Network, Rush Limbaugh, and other shills posing as journalists are free now to keep up a continual drumbeat of lies, smears, and distortion, saturating the airwaves with their particular viewpoint, Neocon Imperialism, while disguising it as good old-fashioned "conservative" xenophobia. This is well-documented in many current books including "Blinded By The Right - The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative," and "The Republican Noise Machine- Right Wing Media and how it Corrupts Democracy."
Having ended the Cold War and Communism, armchair-hawk bureaucrats posing as 'tough and conservative' have declared war on the Democrats. Focused, determined, and systematic people like Grover Norquist have been steadily working for 20 years to put a final end to the utopian dreams of the 60's, bitter because those dreams went right over their heads. They never felt "it," so they must destroy it. "If you've seen one tree, you've seen them all," as Ronald Reagan said.
The "Red State Blue State" meme now emblazoned in everyone's head is another important and sinister device being used to create division. Instituted by the Fox Network, this artificial and absolutist [good/evil, God/Satan, us/them] shorthand for the political mind-set of the country does a great disservice to the voting populace. As usual, a nuanced view changes everything. O'Reilly and Hannity delight in showing the map above and screaming "See, it's a mandate!" Bush got the slimmest margin of victory of any re-elected incumbent in U.S. history. Here's a hint, Bill, Acres Don't Vote, People Vote. Below are shown two maps. The top one hilariously takes the most extreme look, while the map below provides a more subtle and instructive anaysis.
Even though it's way too close to the truth, this is still funny.
The Fundamentalist Christians now have a firm grip on our government and soon, the media.
Ralph Reed [of the Christian Coalition] is a close Bush advisor.
The Reverend Sun Myung Moon thinks he's the Messiah, and his newspaper, the Washington Times, is a shameless Republican propaganda rag.
Typically, though elected on "Moral Issues," Bush is going directly for the tax code and social security. Hardly mentioned during the campaign, these are the issues dear to his true constituents, his corporate cronies.The map below is divided by county, and shows that it's not quite yet time for a giant electrified fence. Keep in mind too, that much of the inland red is less densely populated. Note that the reddest areas are the most insulated - the farthest they can be from the coasts, the rest of the world, and apparently, reality. [The reality of terrorism is something people in the more densely populated coastal areas are aware of, being the more likely targets. Especially in the east, they are acutely aware of Bush's negligence, and that the notion that he is protecting us from terrorism is propaganda.]
The electorate was divided almost 50-50. That is NOT a mandate, Dubya. Actually, the map above should ALL be purple [red and blue mixed]. Showing the colors is somewhat useful, but should be taken with a grain of salt. Many states were 49-51 but are all red on O'Reilly's map.
The Republican War on Culture
The Fake Social Security CrisisHere are the best Red-Blue maps.