Camille Paglia says 'Apocalyptic history is a male wish list with a phallic peak', and the continuation of that would be that we'll just bungle on, Mother Earth endlessly patient, endlessly unforgiving.
Joseph Campbell said that the apocalypse is an inner event, it is out of time. The whole idea is a metaphor for what happens inside when one person or everyone makes a transformation.
Terence Mckenna says we are readying for a leap into hyper- space guided by the mushroom devas, and that history is ending.
The Christians see a psychedelic apocalypse. Revelations in the bible is certainly psychedelic, wheels of fire, angels blowing trumpets, a sea of glass like crystal, seven torches, seven spirits, the lion, the ox, the man and the eagle-- and the four horsemen.
There's Mansons' Helter Skelter, and theres the Tarot's lightning struck tower. It's a recurring theme.
5761 in the Hebrew Calendar
6632 in the Chinese Calendar
1333 in the Muslim Calendar
In the Mid 70's, a prominent psychic predicted 'the big one' , when California would fall into the ocean. Everyone knew about it. The nation waited on the edge of its seat all that night, worried sick... In San Francisco, a bunch of people had a big party out at the westernmost bit of land, by the Sutro Bath ruins, to greet the tidal wave. Such spirit.RAVE ON...