Like any other woman, I used to believe
I could, or even should, reform a man. Isn't that what maleness from its
very boyhood asks women to do? A woman wants a man to make her happy,
and doesn't a man dare each new woman to make him good?
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A man and a woman have one important thing in common
at the start of a romance: they are both in love with him. Her highly
strung feelings tell her this is the man, the only man, the predestined
mate with whom her fulfillment will be achieved. Love makes women very
superstitious. Witches used to do most of their trade in love potions.
Marriage counselors and advice columnists are supposed to provide them
now. Love makes women incautious and forgetful of past love; and love
makes women unethical, because for them it transcends everything. (Lust
does similar things to men, though, mercifully, it's much more quickly
When it comes to sex, and everything
else, the male's great fear is of failure, and the female's is of not
being loved. For a man, sex is always to some degree an edgy performance,
more ritual than romance, a sport with conscience as an indulgent referee.
Plain, unadulterated fucking is maleish and quite a few men manage to
pull the deed off; very few men, however, in feminine estimation are better
than boring lovers.
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Naturally, women think their own loving,
languorous way of sex is better, and so it is...for them. Recently, they
have been trying to bully and shame men into thinking it would be better
for them too, though the truth is it would be less demanding, enslaving,
perplexing and strenuous for a healthy male to screw a thousand women
in his lifetime than to try to please one, and the potential for failure
would be less.
Most men are good fellows who would honestly rather give pleasure to their partners than not, if only out of vanity. The new sexual chivalry, however, threatens the male with the dreaded old failure to get it up, and also with failure to keep it up for the long process of his partner's excitement, as well as failure to please even when he does. Suddenly, it's no longer altogether normal or fair for a man to fuck like a man, and he's likely to be scolded for it if he insists upon it his way, or if he knows no other way, or if there is no other way, or if he is reluctant to make love in an unmanly way because - whatever trendy folk advocate - he really does not want to be effeminate, least of all in bed. |
He is being asked, and not always
sweetly, by sexologists, therapists, advice columnists, and his partners,
to risk failure so that women can feel well and truly loved. What does
he get in return for his courage and industry? The satisfaction of pleasing
her, which is in its way a kind of slavery. One fear is being traded off
against another, hers against his. By requiring the male to be sensuous,
even demanding it, the female is ordering him to do her a favor. Making
love is her metaphor for true love, entailing commitment as well as sometimes
an hour of foreplay, and she intends it should be his too. However, the
moment a man agrees to make love with his fingertips instead of his cock,
he is sharpening the shears for Delilah, and he knows he can't
trust her not to use them.
Intercourse is an aggressive act, requiring physical strength and even a degree of hostility. Physical penetration would be a painful abasement for a heterosexual man, even if he happened to be attracted to it for reasons of his own. He doesn't offer such indignity to a friend, or put a friend in place with head down, ass up, tongue first, legs apart, all the positions the male considers at the very least undignified when he considers them coolly. Some degree of audacity is necessary to any male who wants to get it up, and the closer a female comes to equality, the more difficult it is for him to put her in the postures of his sexual fantasies. The female to some extent probably has to remain an alien of strange, even repellent appetites, so she can be turned into all-cunt. Otherwise, she may reverse the procedure to which mankind owes its continuing existence, and subject him to dehumanizing humiliation. |
The more a woman is admired by a man for her achievements,
the less easy it is for him to desire her physically, or to have her at
all, without fantasizing about someone else. Thus, there is some justice
in the accusation that the New Woman is a source of male impotence, a
castrator, a cause for divorce and the end of love.
Sex is not love for a man. In his fantasies he designs a sexual accomplice, not a permanent lover. Over and over again the fiction in men's soft-porn magazines embroiders the male romantic ideal: an erotic encounter with a gorgeous wanton who goes off into the sunset alone without leaving so much as a glass slipper under the bed. |
After a few weeks, I began to understand what the men preferred in stroke-princesses. While I always chose bones, strong lines, and faces that looked as if they could spit in an eye at twenty paces, my male colleagues went for the dimple, the pout, and the pink. When it came to their sexual icons they liked a tootsie who advertised her availability yet managed to persuade each voyeur it was for him alone she was arching her back and sweeping her hair up from the back of her neck. They wanted neither a threat nor a victim, only quality of cheerful acquiescence I soon learned to recognize, a face and posture that promised wholehearted, unquestioning acceptance of whatever was on offer: the sort of girl a man could love and leave, simply by turning a page. The smallest trace of embarrassment in the girl's smile or in her eyes embarrassed the men, any hint of the film star's self satisfied narcissism also put them off, and so did the sleek, costly beauty of a fashion model. |
Angry feminists say pornography demeans women by presenting them as sex objects, yet hundreds of women write to advice columns complaining that their boyfriend's pornography makes them feel they aren't sex object enough. It isn't easy for any woman to understand the male's atavistic gusto or his quick, infallible celebration before the image of cunt. As long as women see sex as love they are bound to be miffed when men offer to the open air what they feel should be pledged to them. |
Males turn images into action, and women turn their fantasies into motives for love. The instantaneous response to what he sees is part of a young man's sexuality, intrinsic to it, even necessary to it. To shame him for this quirk could cause us all considerable harm, because his sexuality is dependent upon his ego. It is as much due to the male's ego as to his sperm that humankind keeps on reproducing. Nevertheless, these days, both male ego and male sperm are being routinely frozen. The ability men have to lust joyfully at the sight of the female, and then to fuck without commitment, is being seen increasingly as contemptible. There are people who consider it acceptable for him to impregnate, mechanically or physically, a surrogate mother so that his barren mate can fulfill her need to raise a child, yet at the same time consider him less than an animal if he jerks off, is unfaithful, or pays a whore to fulfill his need for infallibility. |
Current demands make it almost impossible for a man to do the right thing sexually without sacrificing freedom, independence, robust maleness, pleasure and hilarity, to the female's cry for fidelity, eternal love, security, and, more recently, equality from acts perpetrated by the human penis. It also confuses any thoughtful man that women advertise loudly for mates who are considerate, gentle, full of foreplay and respect, and then they fantasize and fall for men who are bold, overbearing, "firmly shaped," self-assured, wicked, and real fuckers. |
These excerpts are from "Mantalk - Tough Talk From a Tender Woman" by Irma Kurtz, Beech Tree Books, a Quill Edition, New York, 1986. By all means, read the entire book. It's well written, enlightening, and impossible to put down. It can be found at http://www.addall.com/. For more ideas in this vein, read what Camille Paglia has to say, here, or here. There's a page with more Irma Kurtz quotes at http://www.redlightguide.com/ch1.html. For a printer friendly version of this page, click here. |