![]() Our Meditation is:
FOUR LEVELS OF MEANING The Four World Meditations are guided experiences based on the Tree of the Sefirot, and draw from a variety of mystical traditions. The intention is to facilitate an internal journey that teaches, attunes, and calms, while also intoning affirmations, generating gratitude, and advancing spiritual growth. We traverse the Tree of Life, ascending through the Four Worlds, contemplating the Sefirot, learning and experiencing in the same process. This 90 minute meditation is in English, Hebrew, Aramaic and Sanskrit, and includes Tibetan singing bell purifications, breathwork, and affirmations and chants appropriate to the part of the Tree we're in. Clearly-readable transliterations of the various languages makes it easy to say the foreign words. The evening moves through a variety of "tones," with call-and-response, singing, repeated themes, and positive affirmations. Though built around the 4 Kabbalistic worlds, it includes word images and ideas from the Zohar, Talmud, Ezekiel, Lao Tzu, Patanjali, Shakespeare, Blake, Navajo rites, and many others. Breathwork principles and reminders are woven in to vitalize, cleanse our auras, enhance the learning process, and encourage the blossoming of consciousness fueled by "Prana-" breath - life force, and its "yama," or practice. Each monthly gathering serves as both a "101" type learning experience, and as a depth experience for those who are more familiar with Kabbalah, or any of the other variety of traditions we might draw from. The aim is to cultivate personal strengths and self development in each of the participants, and to set intentions and ideas that will bear practical fruit in the real world. By combining various principles of awareness-enhancing techniques, we create sustained moments of meaning and connection for the participants, and provide tools for life outside the meditation. An especially popular segment is the "Cura" - where participants are wafted into a fragrant forest while I sing in Spanish of flying hummingbirds and condors, and curing sweet little souls, and shake branches of fresh eucalyptus lightly over their heads and shoulders. Seasonal changes, astrological configurations, and topical memes are woven in each month, so that no two evenings are exactly the same, with a familiar structure providing continuity and a temporal syntax. If possible, be there for the beginning - there are important ideas that it's best to hear in their earliest form... (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-> <-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) The meditations are led by Rafi Metz, who has been a student of the mysteries for more than 30 years. Our meetings are held at the Metaphysical Research Society at 7th and Odgen Streets in Denver's Capitol Hill Neighborhood, in the spectacular Egyptian Temple Room. More details are here, and Rafi's Kabbalah Hyperpedia, ifdawn.com, is a great source of information. Here is my page juxtaposing Judaic and Vedic philosopies. The 'script' I use for the meditation is drawn from Kabbalah, Buddhism, Yoga philosophy, Navajo rites, and modern sources. Woven into the text are snippets of William Blake, Walt Whitman, Shakespeare, Lao Tzu, Ezekiel, the Upanishads, Tagore, Yogananda, etc. At many moments during the hour, participants are able to intone these words and phrases with intention and in a meditative state, often in Hebrew or Sanskrit, and thus absorb the ideas more completely. An extended version of the Meditation was included in the June 1st, 2008 Bodyawn Workshop. The meditations are held at the Metaphysical Research Society at 7th and Ogden [northeast corner] in Denver, Colorado. [MAP] "One who learns without then teaching is like a thief" - Talmud, Pirke Avot If everyone waited to achieve mastery before they taught, there would have been no teachers since the time of the prophets. Just a student, my goal is to share what I've learned, and what I am currently learning. It's all an adventure of discovery. I love feedback and suggestions. |
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